The Long and Winding Road Toward Substantial Equivalence
The following article was written before the Aug. 19, 2020 court ruling delaying the Deeming Rule and Substantial Equivalence process as it applies to...
The Cigarette Corrective Statements Litigation
In 1999, the U.S. government sued the major cigarette manufacturers, asserting claims under several federal statutes for conduct by the companies dating back to...
Caravan Cigar Company: Always on the Move
Nestled in the historic environs of Bath, Pennsylvania, rests the charming home of a budding boutique cigar store. Founded in late 2017, the grounds...
With Gratitude: CAA Pays Tribute to Javier Estades
There are some people in life who just get it. We call them naturals. For naturals, it just clicks—the long days, hard work and...
Mastering The Process: Drew Estate’s Willy Herrera, Part 2
Part 2 of the July/August 2022 cover story from Tobacco Business featuring Willie Herrera. For part 1, click here.
How Great Blends are Made
When Drew...
New Categories Leading to Big Results
It’s September, and that means we are nearly three-quarters of the way through the year. The economy has been a hot topic for many...
Choosing the Future: Michael Zercher and 22nd Century, Part 2
Part 2 of the May/June 2022 cover story from Tobacco Business featuring Michael Zercher. For part 1, click here.
Bringing VLN to the Market
VLN is...
A Decade of Service
Operation: Cigars For Warriors (CFW) reached a significant milestone on May 12, 2022: 10 years in operation as a charity devoted to deployed military...
Think Big, Act Small, Fail Fast, Teach
NFTs, networking, strategic partnerships—these are all buzzwords you’re likely to encounter on any given day while scrolling through social media. They are also the...
Giving Your Tobacco Brand a Public Relations Refresh
Like many companies, the coronavirus has affected, if not changed, your business entirely. Marketing strategies have had to change, right on the heels of...