Joya de Nicaragua

National Pride: Celebrating Joya de Nicaragua’s 50th Anniversary, Part 1

If it’s true that adversity that doesn’t kill us, rather it only makes us stronger, then Nicaragua’s first cigar factory, Joya de Nicaragua, is...

The LighterBro: Fire Plus Function

When the two entrepreneurs behind LighterBro first met, back in 2006, the idea of designing and launching a product was just one of those...
Rene Castaneda, President of Villiger Cigars North America

Lead by Example: Villiger Cigars North America’s Rene Castañeda

A business is only as successful as the person who leads it. Rene Castañeda, president of Villiger Cigars North America, has spent the past...
Maya Selva

Gaining Traction: Maya Selva Cigars

Worldwide smoking bans, higher tobacco taxes and more stringent governmental regulations are making it increasingly difficult for small, boutique cigar manufacturers to eke out...
Makla Smokeless Tobacco

Makla Takes on America

Makla, a smokeless tobacco product manufactured by Sifaco, is a blend of chopped Russian tobacco leaves mixed with texture agents like water, food-grade oil...
Mark Ryan of Daughters & Ryan Handling Perique Tobacco

Perique: A Resurrection Story

The spring of 2005 seemed to be the end of St. James Perique for pipe tobacco blends. The owners of L.A. Poche in St....
Republic Tobacco

Republic Tobacco: Devoted to Quality and Value

Surprisingly, Republic Tobacco, wholesaler and distributor of top brands in the RYO/MYO category, started out as a small retail store located on the north...
Drew Estate Sam Morales

The Way of the Disruptors

For Drew Estate, the past year has been everything but business as usual: 2017 saw the return of Jonathan Drew as Drew Estate’s president,...
Courtney Smith from Cornelius & Anthony

Familial Marketing: A Look at Cornelius & Anthony

Product development is serious business, especially for companies working in the tobacco industry. With the regulations imposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration...
Tobacco 21 is a Catch 21

Tobacco 21 is a Catch-22

A Catch-22 is a problematic situation caused by mutually conflicting or seemingly contradictory conditions. Considering raising the legal age to purchase tobacco products is...
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