Like many in the cigar industry, Eddie Tarazona is running what many would consider to be a small business. His brand, Tarazona Cigars, has...
Think Big, Act Small, Fail Fast, Teach
NFTs, networking, strategic partnerships—these are all buzzwords you’re likely to encounter on any given day while scrolling through social media. They are also the...
Choosing the Future: Michael Zercher and 22nd Century, Part 2
Part 2 of the May/June 2022 cover story from Tobacco Business featuring Michael Zercher. For part 1, click here.
Bringing VLN to the Market
VLN is...
Synthetic Nicotine Products: What Happens Now?
During his nomination hearing before the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee on Dec. 14, 2021, Robert Califf stated that he would...
Choosing the Future: Michael Zercher and 22nd Century, Part 1
How do you deal with a problem? Are you the type who tries to find a work-around? Or do you turn your blinders on...
Operation: New Customers
It is now 2022, and we are all hoping for a great year—a year that isn’t as COVID-driven as the last couple of years...
A Winning Retail Strategy
In November 2021, Davidoff recognized some of its best retail partners during the annual Golden Band Awards. With categories that recognized retailers based on...
The Skinny on Delta-8 THC
Despite its media hype and gas station availability, delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is very much on the fringe of the cannabis industry. Chemically, this compound...
Do the Right Thing
Stand up straight. Don’t slouch. Always say thank you. Return phone calls. Never be in debt to anyone. Growing up, our parents hold us...
Best Practices in Tobacco Retail
What does it take to be a great tobacconist? That’s a question that is often asked in each issue of Tobacco Business and one...