Each year, Tobacco Business magazine recognizes the best cigars on the market today. Like other categories of the Tobacco Business Awards, those cigars that make it onto the list each year are nominated and then voted on by our readers—retailers, manufacturers and consumers of premium cigars—which leads to a diverse and inclusive list of cigar brands from manufacturers of all sizes and styles. This year’s Top 24 Cigars of the Year consist of 11 Nicaraguan cigars, seven Honduran cigars and six Dominican cigars, with a wide range of starting price points that range from $1.79 to $23. Here’s a look at Tobacco Business’ Top 24 Cigars of the Year list based on the votes each cigar received during the final round of voting earlier this year.
1. Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Maduro
Manufacturer: Tabacalera Perdomo, S.A.
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium to Full-Bodied
Vitolas: Figurado (4 3/4 x 56), Robusto (5 x 54), Epicure (6 x 54), Churchill (7 x 54),
Torpedo (7 x 54), Super Toro (6 x 60)
MSRP: $7.50-$10 per cigar
2. E.P. Carrillo Pledge
Manufacturer: Tabacalera Alianza
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: U.S.A.
Binder: Ecuador
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Full
Vitolas: Prequel (5 x 50), Sojourn (6 x 52)
MSRP: $10.75-$12 per cigar
3. Room101 Big Payback Maduro
Manufacturer: Room101 / Honduras American Tobacco S.A. (HATSA)
Country of Origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Connecticut
Filler: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua
Strength: Medium to Full-Bodied
Vitolas: Robusto (5 1/4 x 50), Toro (6 x 54), Gordo (6 x 60)
MSRP: $6.50-$7.50 per cigar
4. Camacho Corojo
Manufacturer: Diadema Cigars de Honduras S.A.
Country of Origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Authentic Corojo (Fifth Priming)
Binder: Corojo
Filler: Corojo
Strength: 4.5 out of 5
Vitolas: Machito (4 x 32), Robusto (5 x 50), Toro (6 x 50), Toro BXP (6 x 50), Gordo (6 x 60), Churchill (7 x 48)
MSRP: $3.60-$9.30 per cigar
5. Liga Privada Unico Year of the Rat
Manufacturer: Drew Estate/La Gran Fabrica
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Brazilian
Filler: Nicaragua and Honduras
Strength: Medium to Full-Bodied
Vitola: Corona Gorda (5 1/2 x 46)
MSRP: $15.99 per cigar
6. Perdomo Lot 23 Connecticut
Manufacturer: Tabacalera Perdomo, S.A.
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Mild to Medium-Bodied
Vitolas: Robusto (5 x 50), Gordito (4 1/2 x 60), Toro (6 x 50), Belicoso (6 x 54),
Churchill (7 x 50)
MSRP: $6.75-$7.75 per cigar
7. AJ Fernandez New World Connecticut
Manufacturer: AJ Fernandez
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Connecticut
Binder: Mexico
Filler: Brazil, Nicaragua
Strength: Mild to Medium-Bodied
Vitolas: Robusto (5 x 50), Belicoso (6 x 54), Toro (6 x 52), Corona Gorda (5 1/2 x 46)
MSRP: $7-$7.80 per cigar
8. Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper
Manufacturer: Tabacalera La Alianza
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Strength: Medium to Full-Bodied
Vitolas: Corona (5 1/8 x 42), Robusto (5 x 50), Toro (6 x 52), Gordo (6 x 60)
MSRP: $8.75-$12.25 per cigar
9. Alec Bradley Magic Toast
Manufacturer: Tabacalera Raices Cubanas
Country of Origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Honduras
Binder: Nicaragua and Honduras
Filler: Nicaragua and Honduras
Strength: Medium to Full-Bodied
Vitolas: Robusto (5 x 52), Chunk (4 1/2 x 60), Toro (6 x 52), Gordo (6 x 60)
MSRP: $8.95-$10.25 per cigar
10. Oliva Serie G
Manufacturer: Oliva Cigar Co.
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Cameroon (Africa)
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: Medium-Bodied
Vitolas: Churchill (7 x 50), Figurado (6 1/2 x 60), Torpedo (6 1/2 x 52), Toro Round (6 x 50), Double Robusto Round (5 x 54), Belicoso (5 x 52), Robusto (4 1/2 x 50), Special (3 3/4 x 48)
MSRP: $5.10-$7.60 per cigar
11. Caldwell Eastern Standard Sungrown
Manufacturer: Caldwell Cigar Co.
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Mexican Habano
Binder: Ecuador
Filler: Dominican Republic, Mexico
Strength: Medium-Bodied
Vitolas: Magic (7 1/2 x 42), Double Robusto (5 1/2 x 56), Magnum (6 x 60), Robusto (5 x 50), Toro Extra (6 1/4 x 54)
MSRP: $10.50-$13 per cigar
12. Aladino Corojo Reserva
Manufacturer: JRE Tobacco Company
Country of Origin: Honduras
Wrapper: Honduran Corojo
Binder: Honduran Corojo
Filler: Honduran Corojo
Strength: Full-Bodied
Vitolas: LE No. 4 (5 x 44), Robusto (5 x 50), Toro (6 x 52)
MSRP: $10-$14 per cigar