Tobacco Business Retail Survey 2021: The Results

    Tobacco Business Retail Survey 2021

    For the second consecutive year, Tobacco Business conducted a survey focused on tobacco retailers. This year, over 123 retailers took part in the survey that serves a snapshot of tobacco retail as it is today. There were some differences in the results between this and last year. For one, the share of smoke shops that responded to the survey nearly doubled, while the majority of respondents identified themselves as premium tobacconists. These tobacconists’ most popular product category continues to be premium cigars, but that percentage dropped as cigarettes increased in popularity this year. Padrón Cigars rose one place from last year’s survey to claim the top spot as the leading cigar brand within these stores, while Lane’s various pipe tobacco blends dominated the pipe tobacco product category for a second year among those shops that take part in the pipe category.

    How to Use the Survey’s Results
    Tobacconists should use the results of this year’s Tobacco Business Retail Survey as a way to better understand what other retailers of tobacco products are dealing with, as well as a way to identify new opportunities to build their business. Many retailers stated that they were concerned about how to build their business and compete with online retailers. Many of these retailers, however, don’t have a website for their stores and are not selling products outside of their primary bestselling category, meaning they are missing out on new customers. In terms of technology, many retailers are using Facebook to promote their businesses but are not considering other platforms and digital tools, such as Clubhouse, short videos or virtual meeting programs, to engage with their customers. The following survey results can give you the information you need to know in order to position your business to not only be competitive but to earn more money, gain new customers, and build toward a brighter and more prosperous future.

    Tobacco Retail Survey 2021 | Tobacco Stores, Employee Count, Popular Product Categories