Operation: Cigars for Warriors See You at C.A.T.S. Fest


    The fun never stops on the Saturday and Sunday of C.A.T.S. Fest. All of the attending manufacturers offer significant discounts on their cigars, ranging from 20 percent to 40 percent off. Guests get to sample some of the best craft beer available for free. There is an insane raffle every year, with all proceeds supporting Operation: Cigars for Warriors. We have some of the most unforgettable and moving military ceremonies that most civilians never get a chance to see, and then there’s another great party back at the host hotel, which includes the famous Cigar Olympics, hosted by Asylum Cigars, and our first home brew competition. Everyone who buys a ticket to C.A.T.S. Fest gets a free membership to the C.A.T.S. Home Brew Society, which allows them to sample all the home brews at no cost and then vote for their favorite beer.

    C.A.T.S. Fest ends with a fun but more relaxed atmosphere on Sunday, May 24, with a pizza and craft beer event at the host hotel and our second annual scramble golf tournament for groups of four, which will be held at one of Granbury’s beautiful and elite golf courses. C.A.T.S. Fest is a very fun event that strengthens the cigar community and forms friendships between people who might never have met before—if you don’t know everyone by the time you leave C.A.T.S. Fest, you hid in your car! The best part of the festival is the huge impact it has in supporting Operation: Cigars for Warriors and our deployed troops. Without C.A.T.S. Fest, Operation: Cigars for Warriors’ mission would be very difficult to accomplish. For more information or to buy your ticket, visit catsfestival.com. We hope to see each of you there!

    This story first appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of Tobacco Business magazine. Members of the tobacco industry are eligible for a complimentary subscription to our magazine. Click here for details.

    Contributed by Storm Boen, Chairman, Operation: Cigars for Warriors