Operation: Cigars For Warrior Ships Millionth Cigar to Troops


Storm Boen, Chairman and CEO of Operation: Cigars for Warriors, said:

“The shipment of our one millionth cigar to deployed servicemembers is an incredibly momentous milestone in the history of our charity, which would not have been possible without the generous contributions of our volunteers, donation centers and industry partners,” says Storm Boen, Chairman and CEO of CFW, in a press release announcing the shipment of the 1 millionth cigar.

Certificates and commemorative items commemorating the milestone will be made available to volunteers, donation centers and industry partners.

Operation: Cigars for Warriors is a registered 501(c)3 charity operating nationwide since 2012. CFW’s mission is to provide premium cigars and cigar accessories to U.S. troops serving in active combat zones. A GuideStar Platinum-certified for financial transparency charity, CFW also ships coffee and magazines to troops serving in combat zones overseas. For more information and to learn how your retail store can become a CFW donation center, visit: cigarsforwarriors.org.