New York State Considering Banning All Flavored E-Cigarettes


Cuomo named the unknown makeup of many vaping substances as a reason for a more aggressive stance of e-cigarettes and vaping products. If passed, New York would become the second U.S. state to completely ban flavored e-cigarettes, with Michigan having passed similar legislation earlier in September 2019. Cuomo also revealed that New York state’s Department of Health was issuing subpoenas to three e-cigarette companies–Honey Cut Labs, LLC, Floraplex Terpenes, and Mass Terpenes, LLC. Samples from each of these companies were obtained through the subpoenas and it was discovered that each had high levels of Vitamin E acetate in them, a chemical linked to other vaping-related illnesses.

Retailers in the state of New York that sell e-cigarettes will be required to disclose potential health risks associated with vaping. Cuomo is urging consumers not to vape or use e-cigarettes at all due to the lack of research available on the longterm consequences of vaping and e-cigarette use.