Micallef Cigars Cuts Ties With Major Online Retailers

Micallef Cigars

Micallef Cigars has announced that it will be discontinuing selling its cigars to Meier & Dutch, Cigars International, Thompson Cigar and Cigar.com. Additionally, Micallef will be buying back its inventory from these retail outlets.

Micallef’s intent with this move is to double down on brick and mortar retailers, which will now become the exclusive source of its products.

“Brick and mortar stores are the heart of the cigar community; they are incredibly important for our industry. 2020 has been a difficult year for us all–together with our retail partners we continue innovating to better serve our customers and Ambassadors in an excellent manner,” commented Al Micallef, founder of Micallef Cigars.

“Cigars International sees themselves as the Amazon or Walmart of the premium cigar industry. We know the damage their corporate idols have done to Main Street businesses across America. We will not be part of their strategy. We are focused on the success of brick and mortar shops which are the foundation of the cigar communities we love,” adds Dan Thompson, president of Micallef Cigars.