Facebook and Instagram Ban Tobacco-Related Branded Posts


Other industries and products are also impacted by the change including alcohol and diet supplements, which will require what the social media platforms are calling “special restrictions.” Facebook and Instagram are also working on new tools that will help users and other content creators better manage their posts to be in compliance with the new policies, such as age restrict their content, an ability that currently is not available on Instagram.

This new policy change is just the latest move in 2019 limiting the actions of social media influencers as it relates to tobacco content. Earlier in the year, YouTube also updated its policies to limit tobacco content as it relates to paid advertising [read more here]. Health advocacy groups have also been putting the pressure on social media platforms to place limits, if not outright ban, tobacco-related content to lower the potential of this content to reach and influence minors [read more here]. Basic users are still permitted to post tobacco-related content on Facebook and Instagram as the new policy targets paid advertising and influencers only at this time.