Operation: Cigars For Warriors Cancels 2020 C.A.T.S. Fest

Cigars for Warriors Cancels C.A.T.S. Fest 2020

The Covid-19 virus has claimed another victim. Add Operation: Cigars For Warriors’ C.A.T.S. Fest to the growing list of event cancellations in the wake of worldwide efforts to combat the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. After consulting with sponsors and community officials, Operation: Cigars For Warriors cancelled C.A.T.S. Fest on March 24—approximately two months before the festival’s planned Memorial Day weekend dates of May 21-24 in Granbury, Texas. The cancellation also includes the associated Warrior Golf Tournament.

“In consideration of the ongoing risks to public health and the recommendations on limiting the size of social gatherings, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s C.A.T.S. Fest,” said Storm Boen, Chairman and CEO of Operation: Cigars for Warriors and founder of the C.A.T.S. Fest event. “We recognize that this is a disappointment to many of our supporters, but we ask that they continue their support for Operation: Cigars for Warriors, and bear with us for news about next year’s festival, which will go forward as planned on Memorial Day weekend 2021. Thank you for your continued support of our deployed service members during this challenging time–they are experiencing significant challenges because of the pandemic and need care packages now more than ever.”