Ventura Cigar Company, makers of premium cigar lines like Archetype, PSyKo Seven, and Case Study, will become a stand-alone business unit and full subsidiary of Kretek International, Inc. Previously, Ventura Cigar Company operated as a division of Phillips & King. This new setup will allow Ventura Cigar Company to focus its premium tobacco sales channel and also build its portfolio of proprietary brands. The cigar company will now be able to develop, manufacture and market its products while utilizing Kretek’s cross-functional resources.
“We’re excited to bring a cigar division directly under our wing,” commented Patrick Hurd, vice president of sales of Kretek International, Inc. “Kretek will give Ventura Cigars the autonomy it needs to flourish, while providing some of the bigger picture infrastructure like staffing, warehousing, and distributing. As a former General Manager for Ventura Cigars, I know that this newly applied focus will help them succeed as a serious player in the cigar space. Ventura Cigars has great products and a solid team, and I’m looking forward to being involved with bringing their portfolio to market in a better way.”
“We’re truly excited about this new phase,” adds Michael Giannini, general manager of Ventura Cigar Company. “We’ve come a long way with Phillips and King, but as a standalone company, Ventura Cigars will be able to build out our brands and really put ourselves on the map as a big player in our industry.