U.S. House Set to Vote on Flavored Tobacco Ban Bill


The Bill has 126 co-sponsors and will need 218 votes to pass the House and move on for a vote in the Senate. Retailers, manufacturers and consumers of tobacco products are encouraged to contact their U.S. Representative to voice their concern and opposition to the bill.

The National Association of Tobacco Outlets (NATO) has created a simple template anyone can use based on their profession or role within the tobacco industry. You will be asked to fill in your name, email address, home street address, city, zip code to help put you and your letter in touch with the correct U.S. Representative. Once you’ve completed the letter, it will be sent to your U.S. Representative. With the bill expected to pass, engagement is key and encouraged to help stop this destructive piece of legislation from passing. You can find the appropriate letter below:

For all the latest news from NATO, visit natocentral.org.