Tobacconists who are looking to bring in more pipes and pipe tobacco to their stores must be able to answer several key questions. Are you passionate about pipes or do you simply want to offer your customers a variety of pipes and pipe tobaccos at a reasonable price? How many customers will you be able to draw in with your store’s current or new pipe inventory? What price and quality range will resonate best with your customers?
Tobacconist University’s (TU) Jorge Armenteros offers the following easy three-step plan to help you build your store’s pipe and pipe tobacco business.
- Hire or designate a pipe and pipe tobacco specialist. Empower this special employee to curate the inventory and be your in-house expert. Having a go-to person to focus on the inventory will be very helpful for the business, staff training and customers alike.
- Know the basics. Study the online TU academic curriculum on pipes, tobacco and pipe accoutrements. For those that are already certified, Armenteros recommends reviewing this material as pipe customers can be a very demanding and knowledgeable clientele.
- Use your vendors. They will be your greatest source of product info, so find experts and pick their brains until yours is full!
This story first appeared in the May/June 2021 issue of Tobacco Business magazine. Members of the tobacco industry are eligible for a complimentary subscription to our magazine. Click here for details.