Relationship Building: A Key Task for Tobacco Retailers


Brian Daniels ( Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and West Virginia.

Steve Duffy ( Arizona, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, Utah and Wisconsin.

Brian Carr ( Minnesota.

  • Store Tour: One of the best ways for an elected official to get to know you and your retail business is to invite a lawmaker to tour your store. A store tour gives you the opportunity to introduce your store employees; discuss how many people your store employs; explain your business model; discuss the percentage of sales from tobacco products; talk about the additional purchases made by tobacco consumers; describe the potential impact that could occur if tobacco restrictions, sales prohibitions or higher taxes are enacted; and outline the support that your store provides to the local community.
  • Office Visit: Another excellent way to establish a relationship with lawmakers is to visit them at their city or state offices. During the visit, you can share the same kind of information listed above about your business that you would emphasize if the official were to tour your store.
  • Fundraisers/Lawn Signs: Many lawmakers hold fundraisers during the year, which is also a good time to show your support for them. As they may be running for election or re-election, this is also a time to talk with them about your retail business. Another way to help a lawmaker is to offer to put their campaign sign in your yard if you
    feel so inclined.
  • Stay in Touch: After you initially establish the relationship, it is important to stay in touch with lawmakers several times throughout the year regardless of whether a tobacco issue is pending.
  • While establishing relationships with elected officials will take a commitment and follow-up, this is the time to reach out to local and state lawmakers as the new year gets underway.

    Contributed by Thomas A. Briant, the executive director of the National Association of Tobacco Outlets (NATO)