Cigar Dojo, a popular social cigar app, and Quesada Cigars have teamed up on a new product release. Dojo de Luxe by Quesada Cigars is the sixth official cigar in Cigar Dojo’s limited edition collaborations. Described by Cigar Dojo as “an old school smoking experience for the modern era,” Dojo de Luxe was crafted in Quesada’s Dominican Republic factory and blended by Master Blender Manuel Quesada.
“After creating several special releases that feature maduro tobacco (such as the Undercrown DOGMA), we were eager to explore something different, something classic and Cubanesque,” said Eric Guttormson, owner of Cigar Dojo. “We knew that Quesada Cigars would be the perfect company to create exactly what we were looking for. The blend, the vitola, everything about the Dojo de Luxe pays homage to an era gone by.”
Terence Reilly, brand runner at Quesada, added: “The Quesada Dojo de Luxe uses the same components as the Quesada 40th Corona Clasica, a blend crafted by my uncle Manuel Quesada to satisfy his own personal tastes. It’s a cigar that brings intense flavors to the palate yet remains smooth and balanced enough to be enjoyed as the first cigar of the day. Truly a superb smoke.”
Dojo de Luxe details:
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Factory: Quesada Cigars (Dominican Republic)
Vitola: Perfecto (5 3/4 x 52)
Price: $99.95
Dojo de Luxe will debut on Feb. 17 at a pre-event dinner for The Great Smoke 2017 event in Boynton Beach, Florida. The cigars will officially debut on March 3, 2017, sold exclusively through Smoke Inn’s online and brick and mortar retail locations.
For additional details on Dojo de Luxe, visit