Oettinger Davidoff’s vast portfolio of premium cigars contains a wide array of brands blended for cigar smokers who are looking for a cigar that pleases their mood and palate in consistently perfect quality. When it comes to Avo and Camacho, Oettinger Davidoff has crafted cigars for two different consumer groups. Avo has been about the lifestyle—it’s a brand that taps into an individual’s need to enjoy life, living that life to their own beat, and sharing memorable moments with family and friends. On the opposite end of the spectrum is Camacho, a bold, in-your-face brand with the mantra that an individual should “live loud” while being daring and unapologetic.
Typically, retailers have to wait until the summer for Oettinger Davidoff to roll out big releases, but for 2020, the company has taken a different approach. At an exclusive event held on Feb. 13, 2020, at the new Davidoff of Geneva — Since 1911 store and lounge located within the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, Florida, Oettinger Davidoff debuted a variety of new Avo and Camacho products that will be hitting the market as early as March. Each of these new products builds onto the acclaimed portfolios of Avo and Camacho while ultimately feeding into Davidoff’s initiative of “filling time beautifully” with exceptional tobaccos and fine cigars.
“We are excited to showcase our 2020 product offerings in advance to fuel excitement amongst our retailer partners and consumers for what’s to come,” says Lana Fraser, head of marketing at Davidoff Americas. “We have remarkable offerings from both brands that highlight our exceptional library of blends that focus on unique flavors and aromas made to be shared.”
Avo is releasing three product offerings that are designed to excite and entice cigar smokers through enjoyable experiences while Camacho celebrates its bold heritage with three powerful blends.
Changing the Tempo
Since its launch, Avo has focused on shared experiences and savoring every note of life. Avo Uvezian, an acclaimed composer and pianist, wanted to create a cigar that he would enjoy smoking and could also share with his friends. Uvezian turned to Hendrik “Henke” Kelner to help him create the early blends for his namesake brand. Now part of Oettinger Davidoff AG, Avo continues to serve as a cigar that celebrates life’s best and most memorable moments.
Leading the way for Avo’s 2020 releases is the eighth rendition of the annual Avo Improvisation series. Uvezian was a firm believer that in order for someone to fully enjoy life, they needed to take risks, seize opportunities and go beyond the ordinary. The Avo Improvisation 2020 cigar does just that with a composition of tobaccos from two different countries, including a golden Ecuadorean Connecticut wrapper that conceals four different tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, coming together to deliver a complex and elegant smoke. The Avo Improvisation 2020 cigar will be limited to just 4,400 boxes that will begin shipping throughout the world in March 2020. Another anticipated Avo release is a cigar that honors the first blend ever composed by Uvezian. Avo Classic Maduro is different from the Avo Classic blend first crafted by Uvezian and Kelner years ago, thanks to the addition of a maduro wrapper leaf. Like the Avo Classic, every Avo Classic Maduro cigar consists of a filler leaf aged for 25 years. Avo Classic Maduro features a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, Dominican Republic-grown binder and filler tobaccos and will be presented presented as a Perfect (6 5/8 x 50 in three different sizes: Robusto (5 x 50), No. 2 (6 x 50), and No. 3 (7 1/2 x 50). It will begin shipping in April 2020.
Rounding out the Avo releases will be the Avo Regional North and South, two unique blends that build upon the Avo Regional East and West cigars that were released in 2019. This collection of blends was inspired by Uvezian’s passion for exploration, chance encounters, and unexpected connections. The Avo Regional North is presented as a 6 5/8 x 50 Perfecto with a Dominican-grown wrapper and hybrid olor/piloto seco binder and a combination of San Vicente and piloto filler tobaccos from multiple regions. Avo Regional South will be presented as a Torpedo (7 x 52) that delivers both balance and complexity with a Connecticut Ecuadorean wrapper and binder and fillers from multiple regions. Both are expected to ship in August 2020.