come because it’s a bonding experience
where you’re going to have a good time
and be in an environment where the
people around you also love cigars.”
Ultimately, that’s what cigars are all
about.“It doesn’t matter what the guy next
to you looks like or how much money he
makes,” says Castiano. “The clientele may
appear to be different in each of my three
locations, but inside everyone is the same,
and their common bond is the cigar. A
guy covered with tattoos will be sitting
next to a retiree and a businessman in a
suit and tie; they all talk.”
Building Traffic
Like most retailers, Castiano is
always looking for ways to boost
his customer base. To that end,
the company promotes events and
specials through social media, as
well as radio commercials and email
announcements. Cigar tastings and
live music have also proved popular
with customers, so Castiano holds
themed events, including cigar of
the month parties and bratwurst
cook-offs, and often features live
music. “During slow months—like
September—we do Groupons or put
gift certificates in our cigar members’
lockers,” he notes.
Ultimately, however, the allure is
about people. “Our best marketing
is just being ourselves,” he sums
up. Our customers come in because
of my staff and my management.
It ’s all about our family environment.
We pride ourselves on service
and making people feel at home.
Our slogan is ‘Good Times–Great
Cigars at the World Famous Cigar
trench marketing