J.C. Newman distributes 100,000 FDA Comment Cards to Retailers

J.C. Newman Cigar Company Sends Comment Cards to Tobacco Retailers

This week, J.C. Newman Cigar Company began distributing 100,000 postcards to premium cigar retailers across the country as part of its “Save Cigar City” campaign. The postcards, which are pre-addressed to the FDA, allow Americans who enjoy fine cigars to submit comments urging that the FDA exempt premium cigars from regulation. The FDA’s deadline for public comment is June 25, 2018.

“As the FDA reconsiders the regulation of premium cigars, we wanted make it easy as possible for cigar connoisseurs to share their comments with the FDA,” said Eric Newman. “It is critically important for our leaders in Washington to hear from adults across America who enjoy premium cigars.”

In 2016, the FDA decided to apply the same massive and costly regulations designed for cigarettes to handcrafted, premium cigars. According to the FDA’s own estimates, regulation is expected to put as much as 50 percent of the cigar industry out of business. This spring, the FDA announced that it is reviewing the regulation of premium cigars and is accepting public comments through June 25, 2018.

“As a 123-year-old, four-generation, family-owned cigar company, we want to be able to stay in business for another 123 years,” said Bobby Newman. “Unfortunately, complying with FDA regulations will cost our historic cigar factory in Tampa, Florida approximately $30 million—three times its annual gross sales. Many other premium cigar businesses will be forced to close as well if the government doesn’t relieve us of the burdens of FDA regulation.”

J.C. Newman Relaunches its Save Cigar City Campaign