E-Alternative Solutions: Ready for Vapor Regulation

Experienced with FDA compliance, E-Alternative Solutions, a sister company of Swisher International, is poised to offer solutions to retailers challenged by the agency's new rules on vapor products.


The company recently introduced Liquid Soul Amaranth, a premium liquid brand made with HydraVape MAX technology, a proprietary process that uses tobacco-free nicotine (TFN). Named for the Amaranth flower, a blossom known to the Ancient Greeks as “the flower that never fades,” Amaranth was designed to produce a consistent vape at any standard temperature, delivering powerful long-lasting flavors with minimal vape tongue. EAS plans to follow up that release with an entry into the device market.

“We know how intensive the approval processes are because Swisher has initiated SE processes recently,” asserts D’Alessandris, who says his company is committed to forging a future in the vapor business. “The industry has moved on and instead of trying to think how can we go back to what it was before, we are looking at how to help our retail customers adapt and make the most of the opportunity. That is why we are doing everything we do.”

To read this article in full, check out the September/October 2016 of Tobacco Business magazine.