Davidoff Cigars Celebrates 50th Anniversary with Diademas Finas


Davidoff Diademas Finas Humidor and Lighter

The jars were created by French artist Mariana Léger, whose designs are also displayed on Davidoff’s 50th anniversary “Caves du Monde” humidors and exclusive lighters. A limited edition ashtray will also be available and international markets can expect 50th anniversary pipes and pipe tobaccos to be released as part of the celebration.

A special series of cigar-centered events are also planned for the summer to celebrate Davidoff’s 50th anniversary, beginning with an event to be held in Las Vegas on July 15, 2018 and a three-day event in Hong Kong. The 50 days of events will culminate with a special event in Switzerland. Cigar enthusiasts around the world can follow the activities on social media by following the hashtags #davidoff50 and #50finestmoments.

For all the latest news from Davidoff Cigars, visit davidoff.com.