Convenience Stores and Big Retailers Caught Up in FDA Warning Letters


The FDA identified the retailers as having illegally sold tobacco products to minors since the start of the FDA’s retailer compliance check inspection program in 2010. The FDA goes so far as to scold the accused retailers, stating that violating the law that prevents tobacco products from being sold to minors and paying associated fines and penalties should not be “viewed as a cost of doing business.” In addition to asking the retailers to work closely with all of its stores to ensure they understand the importance of complying and not selling tobacco products to minors, the FDA also gave the retailers 30 days from receiving the letter to provide a written response that includes a detailed plan. The plans must include timeframes that address and mitigate illegal sales to minors at any store.

A list of the 12 accused companies, and copies of the letters each one received, can be viewed here.