Cigarette and Smokeless Tobacco Sales Down in FTC Report


The total amount of smokeless tobacco sold by manufacturers to wholesalers and retailers decreased from 126.8 million pounds in 2020 to 122 million pounds in 2021. Overall, sales revenues received by manufacturers from retailers and wholesalers was on the rise, jumping to $4.96 billion in 2021 compared to the $4.82 billion reported in 2020.

Smokeless tobacco manufacturers spent a total of $575.5 million on advertising and promotion in 2021, an increase from the $567.3 million spent in 2020. Manufacturers in this category spent more on magazine advertising in 2021, amounting to $8.1 million. Spend on outdoor advertising decreased during the same period, as did point-of-sale and direct-mail advertising.

You can read the full FTC reports on cigarettes here and the smokeless report here.