Bi-Partisan Tobacco to 21 Act Introduced in House and Senate


Harold Wimmer, CEO of the American Lung Association, commented: “The Tobacco to 21 Act will be an important step to protect kids from the nation’s leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, and we urge our nation’s leaders to quickly pass this lifesaving legislation.”

Tobacco 21 legislation is nothing new but has recently re-entered the national spotlight as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has continued to address what it views as an “epidemic” of youth having access to and using e-cigarettes and other tobacco products. Over a dozen different states have already imposed some form of Tobacco 21 legislation and according to CNBC, an estimated 450 different cities and counties in the U.S. have already raised the minimum buying age for tobacco products.

You can read the Tobacco to 21 Act in its entirety by clicking here