Tobacco 21 Ordinance Defeated in Kansas’ Shawnee County – Who’s Next?


The Kansas City Star notes that while there are Tobacco 21 ordinances across the U.S., this could be the first one challenged in court and won. The victory surprised many supporters of the ordinance, who see the Tobacco 21 ordinance as integral in the fight and effort to reduce the number of teens who are smoking. This could encourage other challenges to Tobacco 21 ordinances in other cities and states across the U.S.

It’s important to note that this ruling only applies to Kansas’ Shawnee County. It would take the Kansas Court of Appeals to rule in favor of the retailers to nullify all of he Tobacco 21 ordinances in the state. Other ordinances like this are spreading through the state with the recent ruling bringing into question if these too will be challenged and stopped in a similar manner.