Royal Agio Cigars U.S.A. Headquarters Opens

Royal Agio Cigars Headquarters Opens in Bradenton, FL

Royal Agio Cigars’ U.S.A. headquarters has officially opened in Bradenton, FL. With this announcement comes other changes, including the distribution of Royal Agio’s products in the U.S.

In a press release, Royal Agio Cigars announced that its distribution agreement with Drew Estate will end on Dec. 18, 2017. As of this day, Royal Agio Cigars U.S.A. will begin to directly manage all of its U.S. corporate functions including distribution, sales and marketing from its new office in Bradenton.

“Since the official commencement of the U.S. distribution partnership between Royal Agio Cigars and Drew Estate on April 1, 2014, we have been honored to be part of the Drew Estate family,” commented George Margioukla, President of Royal Agio Cigars U.S.A. “We are grateful for the enthusiastic support and significant contributions made on behalf of the Drew Estate organization that have helped improve distribution and awareness of our premium cigar brands over the past three and a half years. Thanks in large part to these efforts, Royal Agio Cigars is now in a position to strengthen our U.S. presence and enhance direct support for our highly-valued trade partners and consumers.”