Retailers React to Federal Tobacco 21 Legislation Passing


While many expected it, the federal tobacco 21 bill took many retailers by surprise. While some bills include a short grace period, the federal age increase for tobacco products took effect immediately. As the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) reports, most laws of this nature requires the agency to release regulations within 180days of the laws enactment and make changes within 90 days. In the case of the federal tobacco 21 bill, however, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the bill’s immediate effect and that retailers had to begin complying at once. Retailers took to social media to inform their customers of the age increase while others reported having to turn away customers who were 18 years of age or older, but still under 21, due to the new bill. The law also requires retailers to I.D. all customers under the age of 30, another increase as the previous age was 27. If you are a retailer selling any type of covered tobacco product, including cigarettes, smokeless, cigars, pipe tobacco, e-cigarettes or vapor, then you are encouraged to immediately cease tobacco sales to anyone under the age of 21. Also, retailers should know the following about the recent bill and changes:

  • Legal purchasing age of tobacco products increases from 18 to 21 years
  • Retailers must check I.D. of anyone under the age of 30 who are purchasing covered tobacco products
  • Sales change takes place immediately
  • There is no military exemption

The FDA will provide additional details on the age increase as they become available. For additional information on selling tobacco products in retail stores, click here.