Ohserase Purchases Dean’s Cigars and Pipe Tobacco

Ohserase and Dean's Cigars and Pipe Tobacco

Ohserase Manufacturing (OM)–the makers of Signal Tobacco Products–has announced that it has purchased Dean’s Cigars, Dean’s Pipe Tobacco and Farmers Gold Pipe Tobacco brands. This purchase went into effect on April 28, 2017. Ohserase’s flagship brand is All Natural Signal Cigarettes.

Dean Rouse founded M & R Holdings, based in Pink Hill, NC. Rouse’s different brands have gained a following in the filter cigar and pipe tobacco categories, having a following and reputation that Ohserase acknowledged in a press release announcing the purchase.

“Dean’s Cigars and Pipe Tobacco are very well respected in the industry and a great fit for Ohserase Manufacturing. We both stress quality and outstanding customer experiences. In addition, our All Natural Signal Cigarettes are a perfect complement to Dean’s Cigars and Pipe Tobacco to allow customers to grow their sales profitability,” commented Brandon Tarbell, CEO of Ohserase Manufacturing.