Newsom Signs California Bill Banning Flavored Tobacco Products


In a press conference before signing the bill, Gov. Newsom had the following to say: ” … the bill that you referenced on flavored tobacco, I’ve long been an advocate for a ban. I’d be remiss that since it’s just passed it’d be easier to express point of view because it doesn’t require the dynamic process if engagement that is more deserving of private conversations in the midst of those negotiations, but I look forward absolutely to signing it. I have been very expressive in terms of by absolute condemnation of this tobacco industry that continues to find ways to target our youth. It will be a point of deep pride and personal privilege as a father of four and as someone who has had many, many family members die at the hands of the tobacco industry to sign that bill so I can’t be more explicit that yes, I will sign it and I look forward to [it] becoming law in the state of California.”

The ban on flavored tobacco products imposed by Senate Bill 793 will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2021. For all the latest legislation and FDA news impacting the tobacco industry, click here.