TOB Magazine May/June 2013 - page 20

SucceSS StrategieS
“Really good companies and good people are always on
the lookout for ideas they can use,” author Joe Calloway told
attendees of AWMA 2013 in his keynote address. “And they
don’t just look within their industry, they see ideas everywhere.
Innovation comes when you see an idea over there and say,
‘That’s working for them,’ and then adapt it to your company,
to your customers.”
As transformative as innovative ideas can be for some
companies, Calloway pointed out that it’s getting the
fundamentals right that usually makes the most impact.
“Leaders in the marketplace—particularly those who have
sustained that leadership—tend to have one thing in common.
They win on the fundamentals. If you and your team have
clarity and focus around the handful of things that matter
most, you will win.”Calloway pointed out that companies are
often on the lookout for ways to “wow” their customers—but
that the best wow factor is providing a consistent standard of
excellence in your products and service.
Business author and psychologist Dr. Joseph Michelli
underscored that sentiment at the AWMA Show’s closing
session, where he emphasized the importance of developing
a strong connection with customers. “There are a lot of things
you need to do that don’t cost a lot of money,” he said. “To
really be nice and to really care can be powerful. If you include
the consumer in the experience and build your deliverable
around their need rather than just pushing product to them,
you have a greater chance for success.”
high-tax states truck hijackings
and counterfeiting activity have
skyrocketed. Retailers in such areas
suffer through criminal activity ranging
from shoplifting and burglary to armed
“Governments have made illicit cigarette
trade as profitable as drug trade,” LaFaive
notes.“In fact, criminals move into it instead
of drugs because penalties are lower. Since
the product remains technically legal, I call it
prohibition by price.
“Despite the best intention of people
wanting to make the world a better
place by taxing cigarettes, they are
probably not having the impact they are
seeking,” sums up LaFaive, who urges
legislators to consider normalizing
excise taxes nationwide to remove the
inequities that incent smuggling. “Is it
worth it, even in terms of liberty itself ?
Individuals should be allowed to enjoy
an adult product without being singled
out because that product may be more
dangerous than others.”
top Five SmugglingStateS
(total smuggling rate)
5.Rhode Island
Best-Selling Author Dr. Joseph Michelli
Keynote Speaker Joe Calloway
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