In the mid-1990s, the U.S. experienced a cigar boom. Michael Giordano noticed this
growing market and decided to import some cigar accessories in hope of selling them
online. When he realized that e-commerce presented challenges he wasn’t expecting,
Giordano teamed up with a local online retailer who picked up his inventory and got it
to sell. Giordano and the retailer went on to form Quality Importers, which has since
acquired popular products, including Palió, Cigar Caddy, Humidor Supreme, Stinky
Cigar, Div Pro and HygroSet, to name a few.
Tobacco Business
talked with Giordano
about tips on succeeding as an entrepreneur. Excerpts from that conversation follow.
Insights on
An interview with Quality Importers’ Michael Giordano
In the mid-1990s, the U.S. experienced a cigar boom. Michael Giordano noticed this growing
market and decided to import some cigar accessories in hope of selling them online. When he real-
ized that e-commerce presented challenges he wasn’t expecting, Giordano teamed up with a local
online retailer who picked up his inventory and got it to sell. Giordano and the retailer went on to
form Quality Importers, which has since acquired popular products, including Palió, Cigar Caddy,
Humidor Supreme, Stinky Cigar, Div Pro and HygroSet, to name a few.
Tobacco Business
talked with
Giordano about tips on succeeding as an entrepreneur. Excerpts from that conversation follow.
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