Gurkha Cigars Offers Ideal Holiday Gift Solution for Cigar Lovers


The stockings featuring the Dominican Republic cigars includes: two Gurkha Real Toros, two Cellar Reserve 15 year Toros, two Cellar Reserve 21 year Hedonism, a cutter and the stocking. The Nicaraguan stocking offers two cigars each of Treinta Limitada Belicosos, Treinta Toros and Treinta Limitada Figurados; a cutter and a stocking.

The Dominican Gurkha cigar stocking set would normally retail for $108.99. The Nicaraguan Gurkha cigar stocking set would normally retail for $121.99. At a suggested MSRP  of $69.95, the two Gurkha stocking sets offer not only an ideal gift for cigar smoking loved ones but also provide valuable savings for Holiday shoppers.

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