Davidoff Cigars Names 2017 Golden Band Award Nominees

Davidoff will recognize top Appointed Merchants at a private reception held at the Davidoff booth at IPCPR.

Davidoff Golden Band Awards 2017

Davidoff Cigars has announced nominees for its sixth annual Davidoff Golden Band Awards. These yearly awards, usually announced and handed out during the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailer (IPCPR) show each year, honors appointed Davidoff merchants who the company feels best embodies the Davidoff standard of excellence.

“The Davidoff Golden Band Awards provide us with an opportunity to recognize our Appointed Merchant network and, in particular, those Appointed Merchants who have really taken their business with Davidoff to the next level,” said Jim Young, President of Davidoff North America. “The success of Davidoff has been made possible through decades of close and longstanding partnerships with trusted merchants. Davidoff has a strong track record of cooperation with its family of retailers to help them grow their businesses, align on best practices and contribute towards the increased growth of the Davidoff brand.”

“The Golden Band Awards provides us the opportunity to say thank you to our Davidoff Appointed Merchants not only for their partnership, but also their support, enthusiasm and commitment to high standards,” added Richard Krutick, Vice President of Marketing for Davidoff USA.