TPE 2019 Exhibitor Profile: Royal Agio Cigars USA


How price-conscious are your consumers?
Cigar smokers interested in Panther premium cigarillos are primarily interested in purchasing superior quality at an attractive price. The Panther cigarillo product proposition was designed from the ground up to offer consumers the perfect balance of a premium cigar tobacco experience in a small format, along with a fair everyday price point. Marketplace results so far suggest that we’ve hit a bulls-eye with Panther premium cigarillos, with most consumers who try Panther claiming they will purchase the brand again in the future.

How do you ensure product quality and consistency?
Royal Agio Cigars has been purchasing premium tobaccos for over 114 years, so you could say that they’ve developed quite an expertise when it comes to producing superior and consistent premium-blend cigars. From the purchasing of tobacco to the strict quality control process at each of their factories, Royal Agio ensures that each and every cigar or cigarillo delivers the best experience possible.

How concerned are you about U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation?
FDA regulation is something that all manufacturers will have to deal with from a compliance standpoint moving forward. It will impact some companies more than others, depending on internal compliance infrastructure in place and each company’s ability to successfully navigate the evolving regulatory landscape in a way that helps maintain competitive advantage. Royal Agio is well-positioned to operate for the long term within this constantly changing landscape.

For more information on Tobacco Plus Expo (TPE) 2019 or to register to attend, visit

This story first appeared in the January/February 2019 issue of Tobacco Business magazine. Members of the tobacco industry are eligible for a complimentary subscription to our magazine. Click here for details.

 Story Jennifer Gelfand, editor-in-chief of Tobacco Business Magazine.