Quesada Cigars has a new release planned that’ll take aim at the affordable premium cigar market. Today the company announced the upcoming release of its newest cigar line, Oro Dominicana, which translates to “Dominican Gold”. This cigar will feature both a natural and maduro blend and premium Dominican filler leaves. The company revealed that Oro Dominicana was crafted by esteemed Master Blender Manuel Quesada and the tobaccos used to make the cigar were matured in the Dominican Republic for up to five years.
Oro Dominicana Connecticut
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Nicaraguan, Dominican
Factory: Quesada Cigars (Dominican Republic)
Production: Regular Production
Vitolas: Robusto (5 x 50), Toro (6 x 54), Torpedo (6 x 54), Churchill (7 x 54)
Price: $6.90 – $7.95 (MSRP)
Release: January 1, 2017