President Trump Proposes New User Fees For E-cigarettes


In past years, those manufacturers who were already paying user fees often questioned the reasoning behind sparing e-cigarettes of this fee. With the use of traditional combustible tobacco products on the decline and the use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices on the increase, the new e-cigarette user fee proposal isn’t that surprising. While the e-cigarette and vape industries have often touted their products as being the “safer” alternative to those seeking to ditch smoking and tobacco use, the government has grouped e-cigarettes in the same category as tobacco products. This has created some tension between these different manufacturers who have tried to explain the difference between each industry’s products, devices and customer base.

Congress would have to approve of the new budget before the user fees would formally be imposed. With the growing concerns regarding youth e-cigarette use and vaping, members of both political parties have voiced the support of any measures taking by the FDA and the government to address the problem.

For all the latest legislation and FDA news impacting the tobacco industry, click here.