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a new Standard Reference Material

entitled “SRM 3222 Cigarette Tobacco

Filler” with certified amounts of nicotine

and two tobacco-specific nitrosamines—


—to help manufacturers

and importers meet the federal require-

ment for reporting harmful or potentially

harmful constituents (HPHCs) in tobac-

co products and tobacco smoke.

…In a September

Federal Register

notice, FDA requested

nominations for

voting membe

rs to serve on the


Products Scientific Advisory Commit-


(TPSAC), with nominations received

on or before November 14 to be consid-

ered first, and those received later to be

considered as and when vacancies occur.

…In September, FDA released a pre-

liminary review that stated its doubts

on the post-marketing clinical trial data

that pharmaceutical firm


used for


Chantix smoking-cessation drug

, de-

creasing Pfizer’s chances of altering or

removing the black-box “serious” warn-

ing that is on the drug’s label.



Roswell Park Cancer Institute


authored by Dr. Maciej Gonie-

wicz and published in the journal


tine & Tobacco Research

, measured seven

nicotine metabolites and 17 tobacco

smoke exposure biomarkers in the urine

samples of 20 Polish smokers before and

after they switched to pen-style M201 e-

cigs.The results found that two weeks af-

ter switching, nine participants (45 per-

cent) reported complete abstinence from

smoking, while the rest cut back from an

initial average of 16 cigarettes a day to

an average of just one a day. In addition,

while levels of total nicotine and some

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metab-

olites remained unchanged, exposure to

known carcinogen NNK fell by 64 per-

cent, and the volatile organic compounds

acrolein, ethylene oxide, benzene, and

1,3-butadiene dropped by 56 percent, 61

percent, 76 percent and 84 percent, re-

spectively, after the second week.

…Commenting on the aforementioned


Boston University School of Pub-

lic Health Prof. Michael Siegel

said, “If

anti-tobacco groups have any scientific

integrity, this study should put an end to

their misleading propaganda claiming or

implying that vaping is just as hazardous

as smoking, that switching from smok-

ing to vaping has not been shown to have

health benefits, and that we don’t know

enough about the health effects of vaping

to conclude that it is safer than smoking.”

…Renowned public health advocates

David Sweanor, professor at the Univer-

sity of Ottawa, and Ken Warner, profes-

sor at the University of Michigan, joined

forces to attack

North Dakota’s Mea-

sure 4 excise tax increase

on cigarettes,

smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes

by ar-

guing that while the cigarette tax hike “of

at least $1.73 on cigarettes” is reasonable,

it makes no sense to comparably tax “less

harmful alternatives.”

…On August 31, FDA issued two

guidances, one of which was published

in the

Federal Register

on August 31 as

a draft guidance entitled


of Warning Plans for Cigars,”


when finalized, will “help those involved”

in the manufacture, distribution and sale

of cigars in the U.S. to understand the

new warning plan requirements for ci-

gars under FDA’s deeming rule.

Nevada Vaping Association Co-

Chair Alex Mazzola,

owner of Las

Vegas-based vape shop

Flavor Vapor

, is

claiming that FDA regulations have put

his three-year business in danger of go-

ing out of business. “FDA is portraying

this as unsafe for kids, but we don’t want

to sell to kids,” he says. “Two years ago,

Gov. Sandoval signed a law making it il-

legal to sell to anyone under 18. So FDA

can act like they are doing the healthy

thing, but they are just putting us out of

the game.”


If anti-tobacco groups have any scientific

integrity, this study should put an end

to their misleading propaganda claiming

or implying that vaping is just as

hazardous as smoking...”