Kristoff Cigars’ Glen Case on Following a Passion

Drawing on 13 years of experience in the premium cigar industry, Kristoff president Glen Case outlines how focusing on quality, consistency and availability of product can spark growth and new opportunities for any tobacco business.


“I absolutely embrace the boutique manufacturer philosophy, but that does not mean we won’t continue to grow the Kristoff brand,” Case explains. “I believe we can continue to grow and still hold onto the things that define us as a boutique manufacturer. We will uphold the strongest quality control standards, draw testing every cigar, double and triple fermenting the finest tobacco available, [ensuring] optimal aging of our cigars and more.”

Another part of growth is expanding your team. When choosing a new person to join the Kristoff team, Case looks for experience and expertise. If he’s hiring a new sales representative, Case looks for someone who has sales experience and understands the demands of a sales position—but they do not necessarily need to have experience with the cigar industry.

In order to get more shelf space within retail stores, Case describes the role of the sales representative as that of a problem solver. It’s the job of the sales representative to understand the concern or objection a retailer may have toward bringing in certain products and offer a solution. “If you knock down the barriers and stand behind the product, you can generally overcome most objections,” Case explains.

For example, Kristoff sales representatives are often asked what products are new by retailers and consumers. While the company may not have anything that’s necessarily new, it’s rare for a retailer to carry every blend the company has to offer. This gives the sales representatives something “new” to sell. Kristoff’s Original Maduro is the company’s second blend and is also the company’s top-selling product. For any retailer looking for a Kristoff product to start with, this blend is a product that could help expand the Kristoff footprint within a retail space.

For Kristoff and Glen Case, the goal moving forward is simple—the brand will continue to grow beyond market rates and expand nationally and internationally. Achieving these goals, Case says, will come down to the three key elements of growth: quality, consistency and availability of product. In addition to managing the economics of your business and reinvesting in areas that will give you a great return, Case urges his industry peers to get out and start selling as the face of the company. He offers four tips (see sidebar) that can help anyone find success and viability in today’s competitive marketplace.

– Story by Antoine Reid

This story first appeared in the September/October 2017 issue of Tobacco Business magazine. Members of the tobacco industry are eligible for a complimentary subscription to our magazine. Click here for details.