FDA Seeks Public Comment on Flavored Tobacco Products

FDA Seeks Public Comment on Flavored Tobacco

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) for flavored tobacco products. This comes almost a week after the FDA issued an ANPRM for nicotine levels, seeking public comment on possible restrictions and regulation of nicotine in combusted tobacco products like cigarettes.

The new ANPRM for flavored tobacco products comes with implications for a variety of tobacco products including menthol and electronic vaping and e-liquid devices. The government agency is now looking for stakeholders, manufacturers and members of the public to submit information, data and research on the role flavors play in people’s tobacco use and cessation.

In late 2017, the FDA placed nicotine and cessation at the center of its 2018 agenda [read more here]. While the FDA indicated it would support products and inventions that could lead to cessation and fewer Americans smoking and using tobacco products, it acknowledges the role flavors play in the rise of tobacco use among youth. The new ANPRM will also bring into question menthol, which has been at the center of many local ordinances and bans over the past several years.