Davidoff Cigars Expanding Its Exclusives Program with Unique 2017 Exclusive Editions

  • Davidoff Exclusive Ultimate Cigars (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Havana Connections (Richmond, VA)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Ambassador Fine Cigars (Arizona)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Maxamar (Orange, CA)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Briar Shopper (Houston, TX)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Famous Smoke Shop (Easton, PA)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Tampa (Tampa, FL)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Madison (New York City)
  • Davidoff Exclusive 6th Avenue (New York City)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Buckhead (Buckhead, Atlanta)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Houston (Houston, TX)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Brookfield (New York City)
  • Davidoff Exclusive Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV)

These exclusive cigars are available in a single vitola, Toro (6 x 50), and come in 10-count boxes. Each cigar has a SRP of $22. For news on this and other releases from Davidoff Cigars, visit us.davidoffgeneva.com.

Photos courtesy of Oettinger Davidoff AG