show in Las Vegas, the company’s response was that you can expect a
celebration of Davidoff’s classic cigars being reintroduced for a new
generation of cigar aficionados.
“Retailers can expect quality, consistency, innovation and stability
from Davidoff at the trade show, which are important attributes in the
face of the new FDA challenges,” says Richard Krutick, vice president
of marketing at Davidoff of Geneva USA. “They can prepare to see
brilliant new products from AVO, Camacho and Davidoff that are
rooted in consumer insights and that will provide a new and very dis-
tinct taste experience.”
Krutick describes Davidoff as a “house of brands” rather than a
branded cigar. As a result of the FDA regulations, no company can
afford to release a product into the market with no clear idea of how
it will perform. Any release going forward, including those from
Davidoff, are launched with more intent and purpose due to the
cost of product registration. Its goal is to provide exceptional taste
experiences to all of its consumers, no matter what their preference
is. The company accomplishes this through its many different
brands, including AVO, Camacho and Cusano, as well as through its
partnership with S.T. Dupont.
Davidoff has already begun to preview what retailers can expect to
find at their IPCPR booth with a few pre-show releases. Earlier this
year, Davidoff revisited its Discovery line (Yamasá, Escurio, Nicaragua
and Nicaragua Box-Pressed) with the release of a new Gordo size of
each cigar and the limited-edition Davidoff Discovery Culebra featur-
ing each unique blend. Camacho’s cigar lines have been extended with
the addition of BXP, box-pressed versions of some of the brand’s most
popular blends. AVO Cigars’ latest release, AVO Syncro South America
Ritmo, is described by the company as an exotic smoke influenced by
cultures from around the world.
One release that will be a prominent focus at this year’s show will be
the Winston Churchill Late Hour. Davidoff has often chosen to honor the
legacy of Winston Churchill, one of the world’s most recognized cigar
enthusiasts. Each cigar in the company’s Winston Churchill line honors a
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