In the premium cigar arena,
is a
“rock-and-roll” superstar for his rock-solid business
stance, as well as his roll-with-the-punches business
acumen. This steady force in a turbulent tobacco
by most boutique cigar manufacturers, survived
the cigar boom and its aftermath and is now rolling
with federal cigar legislation and the subsequent
industry transition, striving for compliance even as
he continues to fight for the industry.
Along the way, he continues to touch mom-and-
pop tobacconists and cigar consumers on a one-
on-one basis, personally taking to the road for
more than 300 days yearly to get his cigars and
cigar message across to a loyal and growing fan
base. Recently, a passionate Patel weighed in on
some hot-button tobacco topics while visiting with
on his travels. Hence, we present five sets of
“Rocky Revelations” for these tobacco times:
[ T O B O N L I N E . C O M ]
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