Tobacco Business

48 TOBACCO BUSINESS | SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER | 22 Moving to Nicaragua led to additional discoveries and revelations. The first realization was that, although theworldknowsNicaragua for its cigar manufacturing capabilities, there really is no cigar culture or lifestyle within the country as one would suspect. It’s very hard to find cigars in Nicaragua because everything that’s made within the country is in turn exported out, Cynn Coburn explains. The Coburns were able to remedy that problem with their connection to the Browns and their factory. The more time the Coburns spent with the Browns and at Oveja Negra, the more immersed in the world of cigars they became. One of the brands manufactured at Oveja Negra was Dissident Cigars, a premium cigar brand first launched in 2013. The brand had undergone several changes in ownership, and in 2021 it was once again on the market and in need of new owners. The Browns asked the Coburns if they wanted to purchase the brand and make it their own. It took about a week of deliberations and discussions before the Coburns finally decided that becoming cigar brand owners was indeed something they wanted to do. The Coburns’ temporarily put their motivational speaking business aside to focus on Dissident. It was not uncommon for the Coburns to speak to audiences of 15,000, which was very demanding in terms of time and energy but also very rewarding. Even though making cigars requires a different set of skills than being a motivational speaker, the Coburns realized they could blend some of their past professional experiences into their new business venture. The Coburns’ new audiences were now those they encountered in cigar lounges while traveling and promoting Dissident. TheGoodDissident People have been at the heart of much of what the Coburns have done professionally, and the shift to cigars didn’t change that. Cynn understood early on the role cigars played in bringing people together. She also recognized the potential Dissident had in building a community within the cigar lifestyle. Cynn doesn’t put a lot of attention on how big her online following is, but both Joshua andCynnuse socialmedia to engagewith the cigar community, as well as to give people a glimpse into their lives not just as brand owners but as ordinary people. Social media allows for connection, which ultimately generates interest in the Coburns and their business ventures, like Dissident. “I think it’s vital for me to be as real as possible out there, no matter what I’m doing,” Cynn explains. “If I’m going through hardships while I’m going to a business trip or to an event, I’m going to talk about how I’mpushing through, and hopefully I still end up helping somebody.” After everything was approved and finalized, the Coburns realized social media would play a big role in how they promoted Dissident and its various products. One of the earliest discussions the couple had was over the definition of Dissident and what they wanted their iteration of the brand to mean to others. “‘Dissident’ can mean a lot of things to people, and ultimately your first thought can be that of a negative one. To a lot of people [dissident] means opposition in a negative way, starting wars and hate, but it’s not. It’s about being true to yourself and standing up for what you believe in, and in our eyes it’s about acceptance because obviously that’s something that the world struggles with. So acceptance, love, pushing through and positivity—those are all of the things that need to be shown more,” Cynn says. She continues, “That’s really what we’re focusing on: showing Dissident in a positive light and that it’s OK to be yourself and it’s OK to be one-of-a-kind. You don’t need to fit into this cookie-cutter world. It’s actually awesome to be yourself; people will love you for that in the end. I mean, look at the way I look: I have yet to come across someone that’s been a complete turd to me. Everyone’s been great. In the end, when you’re a good person, that’s what matters.” The transition from consumer to brand owner wasn’t as hard as one would expect, Cynn states. There were, and still are, days that are more overwhelming than others, but Dissident already being an established brand helped clear the way of some issues that a completely new brand would encounter. Therewere already established accounts, and there wasn’t a lot of overstock to deal with. Dissident having a history in the Cynn Coburn has used social media to engage with Dissident’s customer base. Her posts give retailers and consumers an intimate look into her life inside and outside of the cigar factory.