Tobacco Business
[ 106 ] TOBACCO BUSINESS [ MAY / JUNE | 21 ] TOBACCONIST / ON YOUR SHELF As a young entrepreneur, Zino Davidoff was an avid traveler and aficionado whose curiosity and eagerness to learn from different cultures set him off on various adventures through places like Europe, Africa, South America and the Caribbean. Many people today are similar to Zino Davidoff in that they are open-minded, longing for experiences and driven by a curiosity that takes them into many exciting and unexpected journeys. The newly refreshed Zino brand from Davidoff Cigars taps into the pioneering spirit of its namesake with a cigar line that is blended to provide an enhanced and unparalleled premium smoking experience. “The new Zino brand is inspired by people who celebrate a lifestyle and state of mind driven by experiences, open-mindedness and an unwavering curiosity,” says Edward Simon, chief marketing officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG. “Zino Davidoff himself was a restless pioneer of the tobacco world, and when he set out to learn and gather experiences around the globe, he was only 19 years young. While creating the new Zino cigar brand, we aimed to suit Zino Davidoff’s sense of discovery and spirit to live in the moment and are very excited about the result. The blend of the new Zino Cigars is sure to please those who look for earthy taste profiles with spices and some sweetness.” The Zino blend features an Ecuadorian wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and consists of filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. According to Davidoff, this medium-bodied cigar’s flavor profile includes fresh peppers, cream and a hint of milk coffee that will appeal to a wide range of cigar smokers. Zino will stand out on humidor shelves with its new striking yellow color, and the cigar will come in a variety of different packaging options to fit every occasion and retail outlets—a 25-count cabinet box perfect for premium tobacconists and freshpacks for convenience stores and their mobile customer base. TPE Exhibitor: Booth #4073 Manufacturer: Davidoff Sizes: Short Torpedo (4 x 52), Robusto (5 x 54), Toro (6 x 50) Zino
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