Tobacco Business
[ 8 ] TOBACCO BUSINESS [ JULY / AUGUST | 21 ] W EDITOR’S LETTER MAGAZINE TOBACCO BUSINESS VOL24 NO4 ✶ JULY / AUGUST 2021 MANAGING DIRECTOR Ben Stimpson GENERAL MANAGER, CIRCULATION AND ADMINISTRATION Lea Edmondson SENIOR EDITOR AND DIGITAL DIRECTOR Antoine D. Reid ART DIRECTOR Harrison Brackett COPY EDITOR Stephanie Banfield CONTRIBUTOR Thomas Briant TOBACCO PLUS EXPO MANAGING DIRECTOR Ben Stimpson TRADE SHOW DIRECTOR Ellie Hansen TMG SALES MANAGER Dawn Conger DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER Brian Rodak TRADE SHOW OPERATIONS & LOGISTICS MANAGER Scott Gibson SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER Rachel Esteffe TMG SALES ASSOCIATE Carly Gegorek TOBACCO BUSINESS MAGAZINE PO Box 58541 Raleigh, NC 27658 A DIVISION OF KRETEK INTERNATIONAL, INC. CHAIRMAN Hugh Cassar PRESIDENT AND CEO Sean Cassar CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Don Gormly Whenever people hear of someone having won an award, two questions are typically asked: “What did they win?” and “How did they win?” While both are usually appropriate questions to ask, I’ll suggest that there should be a third question that needs to and should be asked first: “Why did they win?” That may sound a bit crass or a question asked with attitude, but it’s really not. In business and in life, “Why?” is not a question we like to ask or even think about. “Why?” is a scary question. “Why?” is a daunting, intimidating, loaded question. “Why?”, however, is the source and root of all that we do. Recently I read the book Start with Why by Simon Sinek. In this book, Sinek goes in depth on the topic of “why?” and how this one question can completely transform our lives and our businesses. Sinek presented what he refers to as the Golden Circle, which explains how leaders inspire their teams, instill trust and ultimately transform their businesses. There are three rings to the Golden Circle: “what” lies on the outer ring, “how” lies on the inner ring, and at the core is “why.” Most companies and individuals work from the outside in, beginning with “what,” which involves what we do: We make X, we produce Y, and we create Z. Then come all of those keywords that we love to throw around to explain “how” we do “what” we do: We use the best X, we’ve innovatively done Y, and we do Z exceptionally well. Notice what’s missing? That’s right, why do we do these things? Imagine a general amassing a huge army and they travel thousands of miles to foreign territory to fight. The troops line up, arms in hand, gear and everything else in place, and they look to the general for direction. The general exclaims, “Go fight!” The troops are ready, but there’s just one thing missing—why are they fighting? Why are they here? Why is this operation important? This scenario plays out in businesses all the time. The troops (or employees) are given orders to go out and fight, to make this exceptional product so that money can be made. That’s a good enough reason, but money doesn’t answer that all important question: Why? “Why” is the heart of all that we do. “Why” is the reason we get up in the morning. “Why” is what we believe in as individuals. “Why” gives us purpose. “Why” inspires us, and knowing why we do something is what brings about real change and leaves a lasting impact—not what the accounting books say at the end of the year. This issue is all about the Tobacco Business Awards. We launched these awards four years ago to honor and recognize the best businesses, brands and entrepreneurs in the premium tobacco industry. Why is this important? Because there are a lot of hardworking individuals, artistry, heart and dedication put into premium cigars and other premium tobacco products, but that story is often glossed over by the mainstream media that chooses to focus on some of the bad players that may be focusing more on the financial aspect of business than the “why” that I’ve harped on. The winners of this year’s awards, I’ll argue, all have a clear “why” ingrained in their leaders and in their employees. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, Brian Desind, Karen Berger and Jonathan Drew are all leaders that lead and conduct their business with “why” at the forefront and the core of all that they do and produce. They won, and you’re interested in learning more about them because their “why” aligns in some way with your own personal “why.” As you read through this issue of Tobacco Business and go out and interact with this year’s winners or buy one of the Top 24 Cigars of the Year, I urge you to read each story with “why” in mind. Figuring out why successful individuals and businesses do and make what they do will completely transform how you view them. If you haven’t figured out what your “why” is, hopefully you’ll discover that soon enough and will choose to work and live within whatever inspires you rather than choosing to chase after things that may be less fulfilling overall. Tobacco Business is published bimonthly at PO Box 58541, Raleigh, NC 27658. Printed in USA. Copyright 2021 by TBI, LLC. Subscription rate is $45.00/year. Send paid subscriptions to Tobacco Business at same address as mentioned above. For reprint information, contact Lea Edmondson at (877) 702-4427. Copying: Permission is granted with users of the Copy- right Clearance Center Inc. To photocopy any article, with the exception of those for which separate copyright ownership is indicated on the first page of the article, provide a base fee of $1.25/copy. Tobacco Business International is a registered trademark of TBI, LLC. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tobacco Business , PO Box 58541, Raleigh, NC 27658. . Why WeWin The Team Antoine Reid, Senior Editor,
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