Davidoff Cigars Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Special Releases and Events

Davidoff Cigars Celebrates its 50th Anniversary

Davidoff Cigars Celebrates its 50th Anniversary2018 marks a milestone for Davidoff Cigars–the premium cigar company is celebrating its 50th anniversary. In 1968, Davidoff began as a store in Geneva and has since evolved into a global brand with millions of followers around the world. The brand was launched by entrepreneur and adventurer Zino Davidoff whose pioneering and innovative vision set the tone for the tobacco giant. Zino Davidoff always sought out new tobaccos and worked on blends that would make his cigars iconic over its five decade history.

“This is a very special year for us,” says Charles Awad, senior vice president and chief marketing officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG. “We look back with pride on 50 years of creating exceptional, original cigars and accessories, but more importantly, we look forward with a great sense of exhilaration to new, unknown horizons that will bring exciting, undiscovered experiences for those who love cigars.”

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Davidoff Cigars will be hosting a series of events and will be releasing some special commissioned cigars and accessories that reflect the continued philosophy of enabling its customers to taste the wider world. Five of Davidoff’s most iconic cigars will be released and will feature a commemorative 50th anniversary white ring inspired by the original white ring that first were seen on Daivdoff’s Ambassadrice, the No. 1 and No. 2 in 1968. The blends of these cigars will be unchanged.